~ About This Blog ~
"Like" my Facebook artist page RiverbyNight, where I post regular updates on what I'm up to.
I'm one of those people who can eat the same thing for several days at a time without thinking much of it. However, as I am mostly responsible for the food aspect in my household, this is my way of expanding that repertoire and bringing more adventure to meals.
I will report here on recipes as I go through various books from my shelves. The books used can be found through links and images in the sidebar. I also often find recipes online and alter them to my liking, be it with ingredients I prefer / have on hand / or preparation method I find healthier. I'm never bound to following directions (here or otherwise), so it's all in good fun. :-)
All vegan, plant and whole food based recipes. Nothing complicated here, only simple, down to earth, wholesome recipes. No soy or imitation anything either (why use fake when you can use the real thing, that's my motto).
~ Mystery Photo ~
This can be anything food / kitchen related: a picture taken while preparing a dish, usually in close up or cropped to some extend. Don't expect a regular schedule with this -a new picture is posted whenever the inspiration stricks. :)
If you are reading this, you are most certainly invited to take a guess. The winner will get name and blog/site url forever on that post, so it's a good way to participate in fun and get a backlink to your blog. See Index page for links to current and previous pictures.
~ About The Author ~
I am an artist, author, self-publisher and entrepreneur.
You are invited to visit any and all at your leisure.
Self-published books to date:
A Cappella
- v.1 When Are You Coming Home?
- v.2 Open Heart
- v.3 ... in progress
Stray Tales
- v.1 Transcending
All available through above links of at the main site: RiverbyNight.com
More Art:
- Sketch blog: DancingBlender
- Greeting Cards: RiverbyNight's Card Store
- Gear, Prints, Stickers, etc.: Zazzle Gallery
Other Sites:
- Travel blog: Boots On Dirt Roads
For my sometimes newsletter, go here: The River Notes
That about covers it for now.
Hope you enjoy the Food blog.
Be sure to leave comments!
***last update: 10 Mar. 2010**